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Energetic Masters

Supporting ventures that celebrate people and the planet


What is Energetic Masters

Energetic Masters recognises that there are great people in this world who are making differences across many minority groups and are using entrepreneurship as their vehicle. I have created Energetic Masters to be of service to them and assist them in supporting their peoples and the planet.

Project Support

If you have a project which will support your people and our planet then we help you activate your dream, so you can make better life choices for you and your peoples. Susie has decades of experience assisting NFP organisations in realising their potential and works with people from everywhere in the world.

Dreamtime Clearings

Trevor Edwards spent his 20’s as a professional cyclist, where at the end of his career and at the age of 31 years, Trevor suffered a tragic work-related accident, being electrocuted by 440V. He was dead for over 40 minutes during which time he experienced an outer body situation meeting an Indigenous Medicine Man in the spirit world who created crystal organs so that Trev could heal his physical body and subsequently led him to return to his body, alive, and from a medical perspective, healed.

Having studying Dreamtime healings through Holographic Kinetics and other modalities including Reflexology, Touch For Health, Bach Flower Essences, Trev embarked on a journey west to the Kimberly to meet his Medicine Man and over the next seven (7) opened himself to living and learning all things tribal from the Jaru mob, Kimberley Western Australia. The Jaru people, still today recognize Trev as a traditional Tribal Healer and over the years has Trev helped thousands of people across the globe to restore their health.

Trev's life purpose is to help alleviate the generational suffering experienced by Indigenous Tribes by bringing together people, projects and funding designed to positively change our way of living and preserve Mother Earth.

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